Posted by: Liz | January 14, 2009

Winter Training, Long Run #2

This week, we braved the snow for our second CARA Marathon Winter Training session. It wasn’t very cold, likely around 30 degrees, but portions of the trail were about a foot deep in snow. I changed to the 9:00 pace group and even with the pelting snow and wind, I enjoyed and was very comfortable at the faster pace. The 9:00 group split in two, and our group of all women seemed to really enjoy all the puppies braving the weather–so I was in like company. CARA did not officially run the intermediate mileage since the path north wasn’t plowed, but a few of us went on to do the 9 mile anyway. Good times with good people!

Gathering for the run

Gathering for the run

I want to send a giant THANK YOU to the group of people who pushed my little stuck Jetta out of the parking lot. Boy, the weather we’ll endure to get in a run.

We are getting more snow and tomorrow is a high of ZERO degrees.. so we’ll see about this weekend. I may want to ‘treadmill it’.

Taking a water break at the CARA N. Av station

Taking a water break at the CARA N. Av station


  1. I have a question…I’m planning on doing the CARA marathon training program over the summer. I am not sure how the mileage groups work. For example, the 9 mile pace group…does that mean that you plan on running the marathon at a 9 minute mile pace and therefore do your training runs slower, or is the 9 minute mile in face the training pace.

    Thanks for your help!

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